Posted by: Andrea | January 7, 2009

2008 Year in Review

1. Drinking buddy of the year
Cindy and Lesli

2. Lifetime Service Award (longest friend)

3. Newcomer Award (newest friend)
All my new plurk friends!  I love you all!

4.  High Point of the Year
Seeing Tammy at Thanksgiving.

5.  Low Point of the Year
Learning that my BFF Tammy has breast cancer.

6.  Best Holiday

7.  Your Song for the Year
Well, thanks to iTunes and its ‘most played’ feature, Party Like A Rockstar by the Shop Boyz, tho I don’t remember listening to it that much.

8. Movie of the Year
I’m not much of a movie-buff, but movies I saw and liked, War Inc. great flick..John Cusack, Sex and the City, yeah, I know.  Shut up.  And Righteous Kill.  Have yet to see the new Bond movie, and Indiana Jones.

9. Most Memorable Moment of the Year
There were many memorable moments, but I’d have to say it’s a close 3-way tie between taking my guys to see my hometown for the first time, our Snow Day in December and having at Eddie Izzard’s show, Stripped, for our anniversary vacay.  Oh and seeing my son’s face the first time he looked through his new telescope, being able to share my love for the stars with him is one of the highlights of my life.

10. Best Laugh of the Year
At the moment I can’t recall a specific laugh event, although the holidays this year were filled with much joy and happiness, more so than the previous years and for that I am really grateful.

11.  Whom did you spend Valentines with?
My lover ~ my friend ~  my husband and my Aunt who’s birthday is on Valentine’s Day and my son.  We got to spend my Aunt’s birthday with her shortly after she lost her sister.  It was truly special to be with her this year.  Alex gave her a stuffed animal named “Valentine” and we ate at this wonderful restaurant, Black Woods and had the best table in the house with a breathtaking view of Lake Superior.

12.  Best Relationship
The one with my husband and my son.  We have a beautiful family and I’m so grateful for it everyday.

13.  What were you for Halloween?
A stockbroker for Bear Sterns, hubby was a werewolf and firstbourne was Jango Fett.

14. Restaurant of the Year
Mr. D and I thoroughly enjoyed our date nights on CCD nights at Coffee’s Boiling Pot.  Delicious seafood and the best crab claws in the South.  And nice big glasses of vino.  Mmm.

15. Book of the Year
World Without End, Ken Follett

16.  Best Decision Made This Year
Mr. D quitting smoking (even tho I had no idea he decided to it, I’m so grateful he did it and it’s been such a good thing for our family)

17.  What are your plans for next year?
Travel, school and hopefully lots fun and good times.

18. TV Show of the Year
That’s a three-way tie between Burn Notice, Californication and Entourage

19. Most Loyal Friends
You know who you are, and I’m truly blessed to have you in my life.

20. Biggest Change of the Year
Second Grade has been a change for us, as we’ve not been blessed with the magic we have been so lucky to have had in prior years.  Also, painting the spare bedroom was huge change/challenge for many reasons, which I won’t go into here and now.


  1. I am so grateful to have met you and Mr. D via Plurk. I can’t wait for the day when *all* of us can attempt to stay out of jail together. Seriously, have beads and pumps; will travel.


    Heh. Really though, you Daigles are just incredible people. I hope someday our lil gang on Plurk gets to meet F2F!

  3. I loved seeing you year in review. Happy New Year to all three of you!

  4. What a great year! I hope this one is even bigger ad better for my new friends! I love all the Daigles and am so happy to have found you!


  5. I love this! What a great meme!

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