Posted by: Andrea | February 22, 2009

A Photography Nut Lives Here

I’ve been tagged by the lovely and wonderful Perptacular for this Photo tag!! It’s fun, and I got to see my photo in a different light because of it.

Here are the rules:

  1. Go to your picture files
  2. Go to your 6th folder.
  3. Go to your 6th picture.
  4. Tell us about it.
  5. Tag 6 friends to do the same.

Hawt Hallapeno Happiness:

Jalapeno Cows on Parade

Jalapeno Cows on Parade

I took this photo in Boston the summer of 2006. My son and I took an end of summer jaunt to visit my cousin who recently graduated from Johnson and Wales cooking school. Our trip was full of surprises. We left NoLA on the “morning “ the FAA implemented the lovely “No Liquids Rule” That made for fun traveling with an almost kindergartener. Oh yeah, they confiscated a bunch of stuff. TSA was all in a fit. I apparently tried to smuggle a Diet Coke thru security. Then due to the craziness of the Liquids scare, our suitcases never made it to Boston. Oh joy of joys, being on a plane all day, nearly missing our connecting flight at JFK and having *NO* food for my lil one, just to make it to our destination and not have a change of clothes or pj’s. Yep, those TSA bleeps never traveled with kids, I am sure of it, or they’d never had made that awful terrible rule. So we spent several hours waiting for luggage to arrive in Boston. While we waited, we made the best of our adventure and my cousin took us to tour downtown Boston, ate at Legal Seafoods (Yummm!) in the Prudential building (gorgeous) and afterwards strolled up and down the historic streets of Newbury and had Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. This photo was taken that evening. I have been a huge fan of Cows on Parade since I saw them in Chicago back in 1999. I first saw them on Michigan avenue and thoroughly enjoyed the Blue Dog Cow positioned outside Neiman Marcus on the Magnificent Mile. So it was a real treat and a surprise to see them in Boston. Had our travels gone as planned, we might not have gotten to enjoy them. I believe this Jalapeno Pepper Cow was located right outside Niketown. Good memories, Thanks again, to Perptacular, for giving me the reason to look back on them.

Oh and I happened to find this pic from my first Cows on Parade:

Blue Dog Cow - Chicago 1999 Cows on Parade

Blue Dog Cow - Chicago 1999 Cows on Parade

ps. Our luggage didn’t arrive for two days. Two days! Since our trip was only 4 days long initially, we decided to extend it and shopped til we dropped.

So onto the tagging business:

I’d love to see what the other photography nuts out there have to share, I don’t want to double tag anyone, so if you haven’t already done this, consider yourself tagged.


  1. I love the cows. Here in Pa we have the mules, they are strategically placed along the Delaware Corridor. If I remember I will post a picture of one on my flickr for you to see. On another note, wow, two days for your luggage to arrive, ouch! Good reason to shop though right? Nice post.

  2. I love it! What a fun trip, even if you did have FAA troubles and lost luggage! I’m glad you had a good time.

  3. Just passing by.Btw, your website have great content!

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  4. They do this cow thing here in Denver for the Stockshow. It’s… odd… And the winner is always… very odd. I love your pepper cow though!

  5. Fun memoriesE even though all those troubles must have been real pain in the arse then.

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